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中国正式接手汉班托塔港 印度立马急了(3)

时间:2018-01-06  作者:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛  来源:http://www.df81.cn
斯里兰卡网友评论:中斯签署汉班托塔港协议 SL sign deal on Hambantota port with China 斯里兰卡与中国签署汉班托塔港协议 Sri Lanka signed a US$1.1 billion deal today to l


  SL sign deal on Hambantota port with China


  Sri Lanka signed a US$1.1 billion deal today to lease the southern Hambantota port to China, after several months of delay caused by protests.


  The amended agreement was signed between the Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) and the China Merchant Port Holdings at the Ministry of Ports and Shipping under the auspices of Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe.


  PM Wickremesinghe yesterday announced that the lease out agreement would be signed today. “We will sign the Hambantota agreement tomorrow (Saturday)...We are giving the country a better deal without debt,” PM Wickremesinghe told media on Friday.


  The agreement had been signed with the presence of Minister of Ports and Shipping Mahinda Samarasinghe, Development Strategies and International Trade Minister Malik Samarawickrama, Finance and Media Minister Mangala Samaraweera, Special Projects Minister Sarath Amunugama, Ports and Shipping Deputy Minister Nishantha Mutuhettigama. Chinese Ambassador to Sri Lanka Yi  Xianliang, Executive vice president of china merchant group Dr. Hu Jianhua, Counsel General Yang Zuo Yuan of the Chinese government and a group of government officials also presented.

  同时出席该协议签署仪式的有港口与航运部长马欣达萨马拉辛赫、发展战略与国际贸易部长Malik Samarawickrama、财政与传媒部长Mangala Samaraweera、特别项目部长Sarath Amunugama、港口和航运部副部长Nishantha Mutuhettigama。中国驻斯里兰卡大使易先良,招商局执行副主席胡建华、中国政府参赞杨作源以及其他中国政府官员也出席了该仪式。

  Secretary of the Ministry of Ports and Shipping L.P. Jayampathy, Chairman of the Sri Lanka Ports Authority Dr. Parakrama Dissanayake signed the agreement on behalf of the Sri Lankan government and Executive Vice President of China Merchant group, Dr. Hu Jianhua Signed this agreement representing the government of China.

  港口和航运部部长兼交通运输部长Jayampathy、斯里兰卡港务局主席Parakrama Dissanayake代表斯里兰卡政府和招商局执行副主席胡建华代表中方政府分别在协议上签字。




  Ajith Saturday, 29 July 2017 12:14

  Well done.


  Amila Saturday, 29 July 2017 12:16

  During the war China proved to us that it's our real friend.


  Clix Saturday, 29 July 2017 12:19

  Now please don't give our strategic asset oil farm to India.



  Adhil Saturday, 29 July 2017 12:47

  you mean the old rusted bunch of containers in trinco?


  Bala Saturday, 29 July 2017 17:06

  Why to stop development of our country or just to boast we have an oil tank farm doing nothing but going to ruin. What is your reason.

  为什么要停下开发我们国家的脚步,只是为了吹嘘我们有一个储油罐场? 什么也不做,只会走向毁灭。这就是你的动机。

  Wicky Pontin Saturday, 29 July 2017 12:26

  Once LTTE gets revived in TN our future generations will have trouble. Giving Trinco to India means allowing TN control.



  adhil Saturday, 29 July 2017 12:49

  good job, dont get intimidated by the JVP and its group of TUs they caused problems in 1989, dont let them continue that tradition.


  Kapila Saturday, 29 July 2017 12:58

  At long last, something positive happening in the country.


  Nihal Amarasekera Saturday, 29 July 2017 13:10

  Hope in the soul and will be to the best.


  lion Saturday, 29 July 2017 14:17

  what have you done with these tanks in all these years. Just because you have a mouth dont tell these nonsense.


  Bawa Saturday, 29 July 2017 14:26

  In due time the benefits of these PPP will materialise.


  Abdul Saturday, 29 July 2017 16:13

  well done


  Lokka Saturday, 29 July 2017 20:06

  Next what ? Giving Trinco to India ? Sri Lanka's fate will be decided by this.


  Ajit Rajah Sunday, 30 July 2017 16:08

  To develop the ruined North please sign an agreement with India to develop KKS harbour.

  为了发展被内战摧毁的北方,请和印度签署开发KKS 港吧

  Hautaum Saturday, 29 July 2017 20:08

  well done and shout up Indian foul month , any how previous govt was mad to constructed port any benefit also pumped moneys in H.- Port see..


  SL Sunday, 30 July 2017 11:13

  One of the minister in this pics was bankrupted before he becomming a minister ,now he brought new garment factories under his umbrella.


  Nostradamus Sunday, 30 July 2017 12:16

  Nothing is clearly mentioned about the involved land. How many acres Where Leased for how many years or outright sold This is crucial. via DM Android App


  lankan Sunday, 30 July 2017 12:47

  on the 30th anniversary of (29th July 1987) Indo-Lanka accord, another accord signed with China, I am not sure whether this good to give control of SL from one country to another!


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