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Chinese defense minister meets with African guests

时间:2018-07-18 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
The first China-Africa Defense and Security Forum hosted by China’s Ministry of National Defense concluded in Beijing on Tuesday.
Chinese State Councilor and Defense Minister General Wei Fenghe (L) shakes hands with African delegates attending the first China-Africa Defense and Security Forum in Beijing on the morning of July 10, 2018. (mod.gov.cn/Photo by Li Xiaowei)

BEIJING, July 11 (ChinaMil) -- The first China-Africa Defense and Security Forum hosted by China’s Ministry of National Defense concluded in Beijing on Tuesday. Chinese State Councilor and Defense Minister General Wei Fenghe met with 49 African delegates that attended the forum in Beijing on Tuesday morning.

Gen. Wei said the world is undergoing a new round of large-scale development, massive reform and adjustment. The trend of peace and development is irreversible, multi-polarization and globalization form an unstoppable trend, and win-win cooperation is widely welcomed.

Wei added that guided by the President Xi Jinping's thought on diplomacy, China will adhere to the concept of policy featuring sincerity, real results, affinity, and good faith and the right approach to justice and interests, work with all the African countries to jointly build a community of shared future for mankind, push the Belt and Road construction, and advance the China-African relations to new heights.

Wei also expressed that China and Africa will remain good friends, good partners and good brothers forever.

He said that under the theme of “Join Hands and Cooperate, Defend and Help Each Other”, the China-Africa Defense and Security Forum aims to deepen and advance the China-Africa comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership. He called on the parties to lead security cooperation with advanced concepts, promote it through common development, and facilitate it via capability building, so as to contribute to regional and world peace, stability, prosperity and development.

The African delegates said the successful forum is of great significance and is sure to further enhance the traditional friendship between Africa and China.

They added that Africa admires China for its development achievements over the nearly 40 years of reform and opening-up, and highly recognizes the concept of a community of shared future for mankind.

They also expressed the willingness to take an active part in the Belt and Road construction and continuously deepen the Africa-China pragmatic cooperation in all fields.

General Wei Fenghe (2nd, R) meets with African delegates attending the first China-Africa Defense and Security Forum in Beijing on the morning of July 10, 2018. (mod.gov.cn/Photo by Li Xiaowei)

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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