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China, Cuba pledge to deepen military ties

时间:2018-12-01 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
Chinese State Councilor and Minister of National Defense Wei Fenghe on Friday held talks with visiting Cuban Minister of the Revolutionary Armed Forces Leopoldo Cintra Frias.

BEIJING, Nov. 23 (Xinhua) -- Chinese State Councilor and Minister of National Defense Wei Fenghe on Friday held talks with visiting Cuban Minister of the Revolutionary Armed Forces Leopoldo Cintra Frias.

Highlighting the special friendship between China and Cuba, Wei recalled the high-level bilateral ties in recent years and the substantial development of military relations between the two countries.

The Chinese side is ready to work with the Cuban side to continue building up military-to-military strategic mutual trust and practical cooperation, to contribute to the building of a community with a shared future for humanity, as well as both regional and world peace and development, said Wei. Cintra said Cuba is grateful to China for its selfless assistance over the years and is willing to continue elevating bilateral ties and military relations through enhanced solidarity and cooperation with China.

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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