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16th Defense Ministers' Meeting of SCO Member States held in

时间:2019-05-04 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
The 16th Defense Ministers' Meeting of the SCO Member States was held in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan on Monday. Chinese State Councilor and Defense Minister General Wei Fenghe attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

Chinese State Councilor and Defense Minister Wei Fenghe delivers a speech during the 16th meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) defense ministers in Bishkek, capital of Kyrgyzstan, April 29, 2019. The 16th SCO defense ministers' meeting was held here Monday. (mod.gov.cn/Photo by Li Xiaowei)

BISHKEK, April 30 (ChinaMil) -- The 16th Defense Ministers' Meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Member States was held in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan on Monday. Chinese State Councilor and Defense Minister General Wei Fenghe attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

General Wei Fenghe said that since the establishment of the SCO 18 years ago, it has made significant contributions to promoting world peace and development, and safeguarding international fairness and justice. The defense ministries and militaries of the member states have conscientiously implemented the consensus reached by their heads of state, strengthened strategic communication, deepened pragmatic cooperation, and brought forth fruitful achievements.

General Wei expressed that although the world is facing an unprecedented change during a century, peace and development remain the theme of the times. Due to the multiple unstable and uncertain factors facing mankind now, the member states have to strengthen the sense of responsibilities, work together to meet the complex challenges and safeguard peace side by side.

General Wei also said that upon looking forward to the bright future, the defense ministries and militaries of the member states should stay true to the Organization's original aspiration, hold high the banner of "Shanghai Spirit", constantly consolidate the foundation of mutual trust, and continue to improve pragmatic cooperation. The awareness of a community of shared future for mankind featuring equality, mutual support, solidarity and sharing of weal and woe, should be cultivated, in an effort to create a security pattern of joint participation and shared benefits, and to make new and greater contributions to the construction of the SCO community of shared destiny.

General Wei also met respectively with India's Defense Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, Pakistan's Defense Secretary Lt. Gen. Ikram Ul Haq, and Kazakhstan's Defense Minister Nurlan Yermekbayev during the meeting.

Chinese State Councilor and Defense Minister Wei Fenghe (5th L) poses for a group photo with other participants of the 16th Defense Ministers' Meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Bishkek, capital of Kyrgyzstan, April 29, 2019. The 16th SCO defense ministers' meeting was held here Monday. (mod.gov.cn/Photo by Li Xiaowei)
(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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