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Russian deputy defense minister: China-Russian relations help

时间:2019-08-05 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
On the Army Day reception in Chinese Embassy in Russia, Russiansenior military officialspraised thatChina-Russian relations help safeguard international stability.

MOSCOW, Aug.2 (Chinamil) --- On the evening of July 30, local time, the Chinese Embassy in the Russian Federation hosted a reception to celebrate the 92nd anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) which falls on Aug. 1st.

Colonel General Alexander Fomin, Russian Deputy Minister of Defense, and other senior military officials, as well as representatives from Russian government, Parliament, Veteran Fighters’ Committee, Russia-China Friendship Association and overseas Chinese were also invited to attend. The participants highly praised the Chinese military's active fulfillment of its international responsibilities and obligations, as well as its great contribution to maintaining world peace and stability.

In his speech, Col. Gen. Fomin stressed that relationship between China and Russia has risen to an unprecedented height, which would help ensure the stability of the international community. However, in current world, there is unfortunately a growing tension; the aggressive rhetoric and frequent provocation is especially rampant. Under such circumstance, the cooperation between China and Russia will make much greater contribution to the maintenance of world peace and regional stability.

Many Russian World War II veterans also attended the event, expressing that they were reminded again of the profound friendship established between the two militaries during the years of war, and the glorious course of mutual cooperation and development during the years of peace.

Attending Russian Air Force Lieutenant General Gnezdilov sent his best wishes to the PLA. He said, “This is an unequalled great army that deserves the pride of all Chinese people. The Chinese PLA has maintained world peace and stability, and brought peace to the people of many countries and regions. I hope that the PLA will make great progress in the future and become a strong army together with the Russian army. I wish the PLA and the Chinese people success and well-being.”

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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