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Chinese legal system of military insurance has taken shape

时间:2019-08-21 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
In order to adapt to the national social insurance system reform, the military has successively established and fulfilled systems of retired medical insurance, retired pension insurance and unemployment insurance for veterans.

By Sun Xingwei and Wang Ying

BEIJING, Aug. 15 (ChinaMil) -- Knowing that he can get more than 100,000 Yuan(about14,232USD) for retirement pension and medical insurance benefits, Sergeant Zhang Lijun said excitedly: “I was drafted into the army eight years ago, but my social insurance was not stopped there forth. The state and the military have subsidized my insurance premiums during the past years, so I can continue to participate in the social insurance system when I retired from the army.”

In order to adapt to the national social insurance system reform, the military has successively established and fulfilled systems of retired medical insurance, retired pension insurance and unemployment insurance for veterans.

In July 1998, China established the first military insurance system, issued the Implementation Plan of Military Insurance System, and implemented the double guarantee of pension and insurance for the casualties.

In January 2010, Notice on Unified Purchase of Personal Accident Injury Insurance for Military Personnel in Active Service was formally implemented. This was the first time that the commercial insurance mechanism has been introduced into the military insurance system in China.

On July 1, 2012, the Military Insurance Law of the People’s Republic of China was formally implemented. This law was the first national law promulgated specifically on military insurance in China, including the establishment, payment and transfer of military casualty insurance, retired pension insurance, and retired medical insurance and unemployed military spouse insurance.

In 2015, the State Council and the Central Military Commission (CMC) officially approved the Guiding Opinions on Promoting Commercial Insurance Service for Military Construction.

In January 2016, the military purchased traffic accident insurance for all the military personnel and their families.

Up to now, the Chinese military insurance system has developed from one item in 1998 to more than ten items nowadays, and the insurance coverage has also extends from the original active-duty servicemen to the civilian personnel, employees and family members of the military.

Under the guidance of the Military Insurance Law implemented in 2012, with more than ten insurance items as the main body, social insurance as the basis and commercial insurance as the supplement, the legal system of military insurance with multilevel and wide coverage to help those most in need has initially been formed.


(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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