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Foreign forces must stop interfering in Hong Kong's affairs:

时间:2019-08-21 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
Hong Kong is part of China and foreign forces must stop interfering in Hong Kong's affairs, Chinese ambassador to Britain Liu Xiaoming said here Thursday.

Chinese ambassador to Britain Liu Xiaoming speaks during a press conference in London, Britain, Aug. 15, 2019. Hong Kong is part of China and foreign forces must stop interfering in Hong Kong's affairs, Liu said here Thursday. Evidence shows that the situation in Hong Kong would not have deteriorated so much had it not been for the interference and incitement of foreign forces, Liu told a press conference at the Chinese Embassy in Britain. (Xinhua/Han Yan)

LONDON, Aug. 15 (Xinhua) -- Hong Kong is part of China and foreign forces must stop interfering in Hong Kong's affairs, Chinese ambassador to Britain Liu Xiaoming said here Thursday.

Evidence shows that the situation in Hong Kong would not have deteriorated so much had it not been for the interference and incitement of foreign forces, Liu told a press conference at the Chinese Embassy in Britain.

"Some Western politicians and organizations have publicly or covertly given various types of support to the violent radicals, and tried to interfere in the judicial independence of Hong Kong and obstruct Hong Kong police from bringing the violent offenders to justice," Liu said.

"We urge those foreign forces to respect China's sovereignty and security, immediately stop interfering in Hong Kong affairs, stop interfering in China's internal affairs, and stop conniving in violent offences," said the ambassador.

Liu warned that those foreign forces "should not misjudge the situation and go down the wrong path. Otherwise, they will 'lift the stone only to drop it on their own feet.'"

A handful of extreme radicals have been undermining the rule of law, social order and "one country, two systems" in Hong Kong under the cover of the so-called "pro-democracy movement," Liu said.

This "neo-extremism" is both highly deceptive and destructive, said Liu, adding that the priority now is to support the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government in ending violence and restoring order.

The violent offenders must be brought to justice in accordance with law, said Liu. "No country under the rule of law, no responsible government, would sit back and watch as such violence rages on," he said.

Meanwhile, the ambassador urged western media to shoulder due social responsibilities and "refrain from pouring oil over the flame in Hong Kong."

A video was played at the press conference, showing scenes of violence by the extreme violent offenders that are evidently absent in western media reports.

"I sincerely hope that Western media would reflect on the social impact of their reporting, shoulder due social responsibilities, and report the situation in Hong Kong in a just and objective manner," Liu said.


(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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