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Chinese peacekeepers in Mali provide construction aid to affe

时间:2019-08-26 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 世界军事网 Source:http://www.df81.cn
The engineer detachment under the 7th Chinese peacekeeping contingent to Mali helped with the construction of the Bangladeshi military camp which collapsed following heavy rains.

By Gao Song

GAO, Mali, Aug. 26 (ChinaMil) -- The engineer detachment under the 7th Chinese peacekeeping contingent to Mali helped with the construction of the Bangladeshi military camp which collapsed following heavy rains.

Mali is in the middle of the rainy season in August. Continuous heavy rains caused a 20-square-meter pit to collapse in the ground of the Bangladeshi military camp at the Super Camp of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) in Gao and the collapse area gradually expanded, only one meter away from the nearest barracks dormitory.

At the request of the civil affairs department of the MINUSMA, the Chinese peacekeeping engineer detachment dispatched personnel and equipment to assist in the construction work in the rain.

Xie Pengfei, vice-captain of the engineer detachment and Yang Yufei, squadron leader of the detachment, worked out the construction plan in accordance with the complex situation at the site. In line with the plan, sand and soil were transported by the Chinese engineering unit from two kilometers away, and used sandbag and sandstone backfilling to restore the collapse ground and remove hidden dangers.

"I sincerely appreciate the Chinese peacekeeping engineers for helping us in such bad weather and ensuring the safety of our lives. China and Bangladesh are good friends and brothers!" said a captain of the Bangladesh peacekeeping combat battalion.

(Responsible editor:世界军事网)

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