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Chinese peacekeepers to DRC repair life-saving passage in epi

时间:2019-08-28 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
On local time August 23, the 22nd Chinese engineering detachment to the DRC started the repair of the damaged road connecting downtown Bukavu and the level II hospital of the Chinese peacekeeping force to the DRC in the Ebola-torn South Kivu Province.

By Li Zhiqiang

BUKAVU, DRC, Aug. 27(ChinaMil) -- On local time August 23, the 22nd Chinese engineering detachment to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) started the repair of the damaged road connecting downtown Bukavu and the level II hospital of the Chinese peacekeeping force to the DRC in the Ebola-torn South Kivu Province.

The five-kilometer-long road connecting downtown Bukavu and the level II hospital is not only the main passage for the staff members of the MONUSCO civil affairs department in South Kivu, but also is only main passage for the hospital to save lives.

This road has been severely damaged since the rainy season, which has badly ruined the local traffic. Chinese engineer detachment dispatched a construction team to carry out the work.

During the mission, Chinese peacekeepers overcame security threats such as the Ebola outbreak, mosquito bites, hot weather and riots caused by the epidemic, and stepped up construction process.

According to reports, two cases of Ebola were confirmed in the southwest region of Bukavu, South Kivu recently. The Chinese forces have thus comprehensively strengthened the epidemic prevention and control as well as implemented strict disinfection measures to reduce the possibility of infection.


(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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