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Scholars, experts discuss scientific, technological innovatio

时间:2019-08-30 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
Since the end of 2018, when the basic system of Beidou-3 was put into operation, the Beidou system has achieved global services and rapid development in application, becoming a national business card.

An event themed "Collaborative Innovation of Beijing Universities and Enterprises in 2019 - Science and Technology Innovation led by 'Beidou'" was launched in Beijing’s Zhongguancun Fengtai Emerging Industrial Base on Aug 29.

Hosted by the Beijing Association for Science and Technology, the event has gathered a group of scholars and experts including Wang Hui, researcher at the Beijing Association for Science and Technology, Xu Wei, deputy director of the Beijing Science and Technology Consulting Center, Zhang Quande, secretary general of the GNSS and LBS Association of China, the heads of associations for science and technology of Beijing universities and representatives of enterprises attended the event.

The event consisted of the "Beidou" theme forum and the second Beidou Star Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition at Beijing Division.

During the event, Ji Huixian, secretary general of Zhongguancun Military-Civilian Integration Industry Alliance, introduced the development of mlitary-civilian integration in Zhongguancun, and expressed warm welcome to the attendees.

Xu Mingbo, vice chairman of the Beijing Association for Science and Technology, delivered a speech. He pointed out that the event will create an academic exchange platform for universities and enterprises, on which they can share high-quality resources and deepen collaboration in innovation.

Qi Faren, space technology expert, chief designer of Shenzhou spacecraft, academician of the International Academy of Astronautics and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, made a keynote report on the development of China's Beidou Navigation Satellite System.

He said that with the improvement of the Beidou system, it will serve all aspects of social production and people's lives, injecting new vitality into global economic and social development.

Wang Bo, deputy secretary general of the GNSS and LBS Association of China, and Luo Shujiang, general manager of Beijing Tianji Technology Co, Ltd. introduced the industry development trend and enterprise application of "Beidou".

In the second Beidou Star Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition at Beijing Division held, 16 project teams showcased their entries in the form of on-site roadshows. The winners of the competition at Beijing Division will also be recommended to the National Finals.

Independent innovation is the soul of technological development. The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly pointed out that as science and technology is the core competitiveness, we must promote major technological innovation and independent innovation.

The Beidou system is an important space infrastructure of China. Since the end of 2018, when the basic system of Beidou-3 was put into operation, the Beidou system has achieved global services and rapid development in application, becoming a national business card.

In order to implement the national policy on innovation and the requirements of the Party Central Committee, the Beijing Association for Science and Technology will utilize the "Beidou" theme activity to create an academic exchange platform for universities and enterprises, on which they can share high-quality resources and deepen collaboration in innovation.

In the future, the Beijing Association for Science and Technology will carry out corresponding activities on the high-grade, precision and advanced industries and strengthen the construction of the university-enterprise collaborative innovation platform with Beijing characteristics.


(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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