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Chinese peacekeepers to Lebanon strengthen security precautio

时间:2019-09-05 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
Considering the increasingly complicated regional situation and the mounting security risks caused by the escalating conflicts between Lebanon and Israel, China's 18th peacekeeping multifunctional engineer company to Lebanon has taken a variety of measures to strengthen security precautions.
(File Photo)

By Sun Shuai and Niu Yanli

BEIRUT, Sept. 3 (ChinaMil) -- Considering the increasingly complicated regional situation and the mounting security risks caused by the escalating conflicts between Lebanon and Israel, China’s 18th peacekeeping multifunctional engineer company to Lebanon has taken a variety of measures to strengthen security precautions.

Recently, the Israeli Defense Forces exchanged fire with the Lebanese Hizballah armed forces, resulting in an abrupt tension in Lebanon-Israel relations.

To effectively cope with emergencies, the Chinese peacekeeping multifunctional engineer company attaches great importance to the changes in the regional situation and formulated a series of emergency action plans to further strengthen security precautions.

According to company commander Yang Zhuo, they were informed of the firefight on the border between Lebanon and Israel by the headquarters of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) on the afternoon of September 1, and the Chinese peacekeeping multifunctional engineer company immediately organized exercises of the four emergency response plans involving barracks defense, mobile defense, firefighting, and emergency evacuation to ensure every informed of the emergency measures. It also strengthened the inspection of the personnel and vehicles in and out of the barracks area, and increased sentry posts to keep a close watch on the security situation around the barracks area.

Based on the latest information from the Joint Command Center of UNIFIL, by 8 a.m. local time on Tuesday, the Chinese peacekeeping multifunctional engineer company has restored missions such as the minesweeping operations along the “Blue Line” and construction assignments.

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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