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Chinese infantry peacekeepers to S. Sudan awarded collective

时间:2019-10-12 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
Lieutenant General Shailesh Tinaikar, Force Commander of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), granted the collective commendation at the highest level for UNMISS forces to the 5th Chinese peacekeeping infantry battalion to South Sudan.
Chinese peacekeepers assigned to the Chinese peacekeeping contingent to South Sudan are conferred the UN Peace Medal of Honor at the UN House in Wau, on July 18, 2017, local time. (eng.chinamil.com.cn/Photo by Li Xin)

By Zhu Xiaonan

JUBA, South Sudan, Oct. 10 (ChinaMil) -- Lieutenant General Shailesh Tinaikar, Force Commander of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), recently granted the collective commendation at the highest level for UNMISS forces to the 5th Chinese peacekeeping infantry battalion to South Sudan. Meanwhile, there were also thirty-five Chinese officers and soldiers being awarded the individual commendation.

Each year the UN peacekeeping mission areas will present the collective commendation as the highest honor to peacekeepers from different countries, to recognize the teams and individuals that make the most outstanding contributions to the peacekeeping mission area in the year.

Lt. Gen. Tinaikar said that the Chinese soldiers have showcased the highest-level performance and the strictest military discipline. “You have established the highest standards for UNMISS in peacekeeping operations and military missions. You are examples for all members of UNMISS!”

Guo Meng, commander of the Chinese peacekeeping infantry battalion, said that the honor not only represents affirmation and trust, but also responsibility.

The 5th Chinese peacekeeping infantry battalion to South Sudan is mainly responsible for the guarding of the UN camp and the No. 1 refugee camp, patrols in weapons exclusion zone, short-distance patrols, armed escort and other temporary tasks. Since its deployment in the mission area in November 2018, the infantry battalion has completed 18 short-distance patrols, 50 days of mowing guards, and five mouths of armed guarding on the residence of the UNMISS Deputy Special Representative. It has also handled more than 700 incidents occurred around the United Nations camp including theft, mass demonstration as well as armed intruding to weapons exclusion zone, involving a total of more than 172,000 person-times, over 25,000 vehicle-trips and about 311,000 kilometers of travelling mileage.

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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