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Preparations for Wuhan Military World Games are all set

时间:2019-10-12 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
The 7th CISM Military World Games - a multisport event known as the Olympics for military personnel - to be held in Wuhan, the capital city of central China's Hubei province, has now got fully ready after over four years of careful planning and preparation.

WUHAN, Hubei, Oct. 10 (ChinaMil)-- The 7th CISM (Conseil International du Sport Militarie) Military World Games - a multisport event known as the Olympics for military personnel - to be held in Wuhan, the capital city of central China’s Hubei province, has now got fully ready after over four years of careful planning and preparation.

A total of 35 venues have been constructed and tested; there will be altogether 27 major competitions organized; the volunteer team has been formed with more than 230,000 volunteers; and the host has the ability to accommodate 10,000 athletes or so, and to guarantee the needs of audience, including game watching and travelling.

Preparations for the competitions

Compared with previous military games, the most prominent feature of this event is to hold all competitions in one city, a debut in history. The Wuhan Military World Games will conduct 27 major and 329 minor competitions in 35 venues, all of which have been completed by May this year. At present, the testing and debugging work for these venues has almost been finished, and all the required equipment has been configured in place.

According to the briefing of the Executive Committee of the event, preparations for the competition have been stepping forward steadily at present, and all the competition schedules have been updated to the latest versions, waiting for the final confirmation.

At present, the third round of personnel registration has been finished, and the final data concerning the countries and athletes, referees, delegation members, and technical officials involved are under final counting-up. According to preliminary statistics, the total number of athletes participating is about 10,000 persons. Forty-three anti-doping workstations have been set up, including 42 doping control stations and one outreach education center in the Military Games village. Each checkpoint is arranged with a local deputy stationmaster and staff.

Athletes’ Village construction 

In referring to the standards of large-scale events, Wuhan has built a new compound for athletes participating in the military games. At present, the construction has been completed, and it will function to accommodate about 10,000 athletes and delegation officials from over 100 countries on October 11.

According to reports, the Athletes’ Village is divided into four areas, namely the residential area, public area, logistics area and operating area in terms of function. Among them, there are 1,958 athletes' apartments with a per capita living area of 25 square meters in the residential area, providing three-star room service.

In the apartments, household appliances including central air-conditioning, water heaters, washing machines, and toiletries are all available. Besides, there are two restaurants in the logistics area, which can accommodate 7,000 people. The athlete's restaurant will provide more than 100 dishes per meal, including Chinese, Western, and Halal cuisines.

The main entrances and exits of the Village have been equipped with intelligent equipment that can quickly identify incomers’ identities. At the same time, there are also the most advanced indoor intelligent inspection robots, which can realize intelligent detection and active warning of power hazards to guarantee residential safety in using electricity.  

After the games, the Athletes’ Village will be transformed into residential compound, and kindergartens, primary and secondary schools will be built in some of its public area.

Supporting personnel and facilities

By now, accumulatively a total of 236,000 volunteers have been recruited, among which 210,000 urban volunteers come from all walks of life, including social workers, college students, and even international students.

In addition, an integrated first-aid system consisting of 120 ambulances, two helicopters and six medical vessels has also got ready; the meteorological department has built another 30 automatic meteorological stations, which will provide meteorological services through the “short-term early warning system while approaching”.


(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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