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Comprehensive medical support all set for Military World Game

时间:2019-10-16 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
The 7th Military World Games to be held in Wuhan has established an integrated comprehensive medical and health care support model, with relevant preparatory work all completed in order.

By Feng Guodong and Li Changzheng

WUHAN, Hubei, Oct. 14 (ChinaMil) -- The 7th Military World Games to be held in Wuhan has established an integrated comprehensive medical and health care support model, with relevant preparatory work all completed in order. The organizing committee will provide medical and health care service for all athletes, technical officials, and service personnel and audience as well.

Sun Fei, head of the medical team of the Medical Support Dispatching Center of the Wuhan Military World Games, said that there will be 120 ambulances, two medical rescue helicopters and six surface medical vessels to ensure full coverage and no delay in response.

Military personnel on active service from over 100 countries will compete in the games. Based on the medical and health resources in Wuhan, the organizing committee has identified five official hospitals, 19 emergency hospitals, 44 designated hospitals and 16 special treatment hospitals to undertake the medical support tasks during the competition.

"We have developed separate medical support programs for competition and training venues, media centers and hotels," said Sun.

All personnel involved in the medical support service have received professional training and passed the qualification test. Prior to this, related parties also conducted actual drills based on the test competition, organized field trips to familiarize them with the environment, and refined the treatment and transfer processes and risk plans.

"The Health Service Center of the Wuhan Military World Games is the backbone of the medical and health support. Among the 103 key medical personnel selected, all medical experts have experiences studying abroad," said Sun.

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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