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China-Saudi Arabia joint naval training "Blue Sword 2019" k

时间:2019-11-22 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
The opening ceremony of the Blue Sword 2019 joint training exercise between the naval special forces of China and Saudi Arabia was held at King Faisal Naval Base in Jeddah on November 17.


JEDDAH, Saudi Arabia, Nov. 20 (ChinaMil) -- The opening ceremony of the “Blue Sword 2019”joint training exercise between the naval special forces of China and Saudi Arabia was held at King Faisal Naval Base in Jeddah on November 17.

The joint training aims to enhance the mutual trust and friendly relations between the two navies, strengthen the maritime combat capability of the participants, exchange experiences and improve the training level.

The exercise will run for three weeks, with Chinese participants coming from the Jiaolong Commandos under the PLA Marine Corps, and their Saudi Arabian counterparts from the Special Forces of the Royal Saudi Naval Forces (RSNF).

Commander of the RSNF Western Fleet , Vice Admiral Faleh bin Abdulrahman Al-Faleh, extended warm welcome to the Chinese naval special forces at the end of the ceremony. He hoped that the training exercise would achieve its goal and make a great success.

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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