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6th Chinese peacekeeping infantry battalion to South Sudan (J

时间:2019-11-22 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
The first batch of 240 officers and soldiers from the 6th Chinese peacekeeping infantry battalion to South Sudan (Juba) left Zhangjiakou on November 19 for a 12-month peacekeeping mission there.
The first batch of 240 officers and soldiers from the 6th Chinese peacekeeping infantry battalion to South Sudan (Juba) sets out on November 19 for a 12-month peacekeeping mission there. (Photo by Jiao Xiaochen, Zhou Junfeng,Jiang Hongyang)

By Yu Donghai and Chen Kaikai

ZHANGJIAKOU, Nov. 20 (Chinamil) -- The first batch of 240 officers and soldiers from the 6th Chinese peacekeeping infantry battalion to South Sudan (Juba) left Zhangjiakou on November 19 for a 12-month peacekeeping mission there.

Totally 700 peacekeepers, mainly coming from a combined brigade under the PLA 81st Group Army, will fly to the mission area in three batches. They will undertake the tasks including armed patrol, guarding, conflict segregation, order restoration, detention control, and rescue and evacuation.

It is reported that they conducted a three-month intensive training according to the security situation in South Sudan before departure. The training was based on the task characteristics and the needs of the mission area, including basic, professional, tactical and comprehensive exercises. All personnel passed the assessment.

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(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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