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Stop irresponsible rhetoric and action on Palestinian-Israeli

时间:2019-11-22 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
A Chinese envoy on Wednesday called for an end to irresponsible rhetoric and action that may further complicate the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 20 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese envoy on Wednesday called for an end to irresponsible rhetoric and action that may further complicate the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

"It is imperative to stop all rhetoric and action running counter to relevant UN resolutions and international consensus, and to adhere to the overall goal of the two-state solution," said Zhang Jun, China's permanent representative to the United Nations.

"The two-state solution and the land-for-peace (principle) represent the bottom line of international justice. There shall be no retreat from it, not even by half a step. To establish an independent state is an inalienable national right of the Palestinian people. It is not something to be traded for."

UN Security Council Resolution 2334 clearly states that settlement activities in occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, is against international law, Zhang told a council meeting on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

In the face of severe Palestinian-Israeli situation, all parties should refrain from irresponsible rhetoric, prevent the exacerbation of tension and confrontation, and stop adding new complexities to the Palestinian question, he said.

The party concerned should immediately cease all settlement activities in occupied Palestinian territory, and cease demolition of Palestinian houses and destruction of their property, said Zhang.

China is deeply worried about the protracted turbulence in the Palestinian-Israeli situation. Recently, military action has been escalating, causing heavy civilian casualties; settlement activities are still advancing; there has even been rhetoric justifying settlement activities, he said.

The prospect for the two-state solution is severely undermined in this context, he warned.

Zhang called for the settlement of the conflict by political and diplomatic means and warned against action that might escalate tension.

China calls on the parties concerned to stay calm, exercise restraint, and remain committed to confidence-building so as to create sound conditions for the relaunch of peace talks, he said.

The international community should continue to work on the basis of the two-state solution, the relevant UN resolutions, the land-for-peace principle, the Arab Peace Initiative, among others, and push for the relaunch of peace talks at an early date with a view of establishing a state of Palestine with full sovereignty on the basis of the 1967 borders and with East Jerusalem as its capital, said the Chinese envoy.

He asked the international community to closely follow and improve the economic and humanitarian situation in Palestine and take comprehensive measures to promote peace through development.

The economic and humanitarian situation in occupied Palestinian territory remains grave, he said.

The UN relief agency for Palestine refugees UNRWA has done a lot to improve the humanitarian situation of the Palestine refugees. It is a success story of multilateralism and a manifestation of the role of the United Nations, said Zhang.

China supports the UNRWA's continued important role, he said.

Promoting development is an important step toward solving the question of Palestine. China calls on the parties concerned to implement the relevant UN resolutions in full and completely lift the blockade on Gaza as soon as possible, he said.

China stands ready to continue its cooperation with Palestine in economic, financial, cultural, educational, health and other sectors, and help promote stability and development in Palestine with concrete steps, said Zhang.

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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