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ADMM-Plus joint counter-terrorism drill wraps up

时间:2019-11-23 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
A joint counter-terrorism exercise under the expert working group of ASEAN Defense Ministers' Meeting Plus (ADMM-Plus) countries successfully wrapped up in a brigade of the ground force under the PLA’s Southern Theater Command on the morning of November 21.
The closing ceremony of ADMM-Plus joint counter-terrorism drill on the morning of November 21. (Photo by Guo Hailin)

GUILIN, Nov. 22 (Chinamil) -- A joint counter-terrorism exercise under the expert working group of ASEAN Defense Ministers' Meeting Plus (ADMM-Plus) countries successfully wrapped up in a brigade of the ground force under the PLA’s Southern Theater Command on the morning of November 21. General Li Zuocheng, Member of China’s Central Military Commission (CMC) and Chief of the CMC Joint Staff Department, and General Pornpipat Benyasri, Chief of the Royal Thai Armed Forces, attended the closing ceremony and awarded certificates to outstanding officers and soldiers of the drill. The observation groups from participating countries, observers, officers and soldiers, and local government leaders attended the ceremony.

“During the joint drill, the participating officers and soldiers from various countries trained together and lived together. We learned from each other and improved our capabilities on combat planning, command coordination, and actual operations. At the same time, we have also formed a profound friendship,” said Yang Yong, commander of the mixed anti-terror contingent and a brigade commander of the PLA’s 75th Group Army.

During the 12-day drill, the two-level command headquarters conducted planning and research focusing on standard operating procedures, counter-terrorism operations, and program deduction. The participating troops mainly carried out targeted training on weapons and equipment operation, typical building breakthrough, and armored infantry combat shooting. Many cultural exchange activities such as martial arts performance, calligraphy and painting exhibition, and bonfire night were also held during the drill. This fully demonstrated the open and confident international image of the Chinese military and enhanced cooperation and mutual trust between China and participating countries.

Officers and soldiers from various countries will embark on a homebound journey after the closing ceremony.

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(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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