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Chinese peacekeepers to Lebanon host military contests

时间:2019-11-26 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
The 18th Chinese peacekeeping multifunctional engineering contingent to Lebanon recently organized a mass military contest to cope with the tight and turbulent regional situation.

BEIRUT, Nov. 24 (ChinaMil) -- The 18th Chinese peacekeeping multifunctional engineering contingent to Lebanon recently organized a mass military contest to cope with the tight and turbulent regional situation.

The contest was held at the Chinese camp in southern Lebanon on November 21 and 22, which closely followed the peacekeeping background and actual combat requirements. Divided into three major categories of basic physical fitness, military competition and equipment operation, the contest covered eight subjects, including three-kilometer armed cross-country race, command vehicle radio operation, firearms assembly and disassembly, moving forward in a leaning way with guns, battlefield rescue, and mini-triathlon of snake-shaped running, tire tumbling and ammunition box carrying.

“All the officers and soldiers must strive for excellence and progress with higher morale and better performance,” the contest kicked off on the evening of November 21 after the pep talk by Gao Chaoning, commanding officer of the Chinese contingent. The heavily armed Chinese peacekeepers spared no efforts in the competitive and exciting contest and achieved excellent results.

Yang Zhuo, head of the military detachment under the Chinese contingent, introduced that this mass contest features confrontation closely linked to actual combat, involves a wide range of personnel and covers a large number of tasks. It tests the training effectiveness of peacekeeping officers and soldiers, and more importantly, strengthens their awareness of vigilance and maintains the status of “combat readiness”.

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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