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China, Russia, South Africa kick off joint maritime exercise

时间:2019-11-26 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
Kickoff ceremony of China-Russia-South Africa maritime exercise was held at the Port of Cape Town, South Africa at 8:30 on November 25, local time.
Kickoff ceremony of trilateral maritime exercise of China, Russia and South Africa. (Photo by Wang Guanbiao)
By Li Tang, Wang Guanbiao

CAPE TOWN, South Africa, Nov. 26 (Chinamil) -- Kickoff ceremony of China-Russia-South Africa maritime exercise was held at the Port of Cape Town, South Africa at 8:30 on November 25, local time. About 200 people attended the ceremony, including commanding officers from three militaries, Assistant to PLA Navy Chief of Staff Rear Admiral Liu Zongcheng, Flag Officer Fleet of South African Naval Fleet Command Rear Admiral Bubele Mhlana, and Deputy Chief Russian Navy General Staff Rear Admiral Vladimir Zemskov, as well as the participating service members.

As general director of the exercise, an officer from the South African Joint Operation Division chaired the kickoff ceremony. "The South African navy has maintained a sound cooperative relation with Chinese and Russian navies, and we are committed to continuing this friendly relation in the future. The focus of the exercise is on promoting navigation security and maritime economic security. We wish it a complete success," he said.

RDML Liu Zongcheng said in his speech that the first multilateral joint exercise of Chinese, Russian and South African navies in the southern waters off Africa was of great importance for developing the relations among the countries and the militaries. He hoped the exercise could boost the pragmatic cooperation level and joint operation capability of the three navies, and fully demonstrate their determination to jointly cope with maritime threats and challenges, safeguard world peace and maritime security, and build the "maritime community with a shared future".

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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