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Chinese defense minister meets Hungarian counterpart

时间:2019-11-27 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
Chinese State Councilor and Defense Minister Wei Fenghe met with the visiting Hungarian Defense Minister Tibor Benkő in Beijing on Tuesday.
Chinese State Councilor and Defense Minister Wei Fenghe (L), holds a welcome ceremony for the visiting Hungarian Defense Minister Tibor Benkő (R) in Beijing, November 26, 2019. (mod.gov.cn/Photo by Li Xiaowei)

BEIJING, Nov. 26 (ChinaMil) -- Chinese State Councilor and Defense Minister Wei Fenghe met here with the visiting Hungarian Defense Minister Tibor Benkő on Tuesday.

Wei said that under the guidance of the leaders of the two countries, China-Hungary comprehensive strategic partnership has been continuously consolidated and deepened in recent years, showing a momentum of rapid development.

At present, the two militaries have maintained close high-level exchanges and achieved remarkable results in cooperation in various fields, Wei said. The Chinese side would like, taking the opportunity of the 70th anniversary of establishment of China-Hungary diplomatic relations, to work with the Hungarian side to further strengthen strategic communication, expand cooperation areas and personnel exchanges, so as to push forward sustained and healthy development of relations between the two countries and their militaries, Wei added .

Benkő said that Hungary always firmly supports China in following its own path of development and safeguarding its core interests, and actively participates in the Belt and Road Initiative and the cooperation between China and Central and Eastern Europe countries (China-CEEC cooperation).

The Hungarian military is willing to strengthen high-level dialogue and strategic consultation with the Chinese military, and deepen pragmatic cooperation in the military field, Benkő said.

Wei held a welcome ceremony for Benkő and accompanied him to inspect the honor guards of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army prior to their talks.

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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