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China's sanctions a timely warning to US

时间:2019-12-04 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
Spokesperson Hua Chunying of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Dec 2 that in response to unreasonable US practice, the Chinese government will suspend reviewing requests of US military vessels and aircraft to visit Hong Kong starting the same day.

Spokesperson Hua Chunying. (Photo/Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China)

Spokesperson Hua Chunying of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Dec 2 that in response to unreasonable US practice, the Chinese government will suspend reviewing requests of US military vessels and aircraft to visit Hong Kong starting the same day.

In addition, China will also impose sanctions on America-based NGOs that played an egregious role in the Hong Kong amendment bill disturbance, including the National Endowment for Democracy, the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, the International Republican Institute, Human Rights Watch and Freedom House.

Some US politicians have involved themselves in the Hong Kong amendment bill disturbance and stretched their long arm of so-called domestic jurisdiction to manipulate Hong Kong with the so-called Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act. Such practice has seriously violated the international law and the basic norm of international relations, and interferes with China’s domestic affairs.

Though China has sent clear signals of active opposition to the US interference on multiple occasions, Washington is still obsessed with its wrongdoing, walking steadily on the evil path.

The sanction imposed by China is reasonable and timely. It demonstrates the country’s firm resolution on the Hong Kong issue.

Hong Kong is an important transportation hub that links together the Asia Pacific region, and Victoria Harbor is one of the three largest natural seaports of the world. Considering Hong Kong as a vital replenishment site and an important point on its routes, the US military expects to rest and purchase in the region.

After Hong Kong’s return to China, the Chinese and US sides agreed that the US must request approval from the Chinese government before its military vessels and aircraft visit Hong Kong. Therefore, whether China approves the visits of US naval vessels and aircraft is within China’s sovereignty, and China has every right to suspend reviewing requests.

NGOs are organizations that promote social welfare. However, some NGOs are doing nothing but grubby business in the name of justice. They offer capital and supplies for rioters, and control the protests behind the scene. Releasing malicious promotional materials, they are fanning confrontation, calling black white, and conducting political infiltration.

The National Endowment for Democracy, the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, the International Republican Institute, the Human Rights Watch and Freedom House have not only become involved with the Hong Kong amendment bill disturbance, but they are also notorious for their misdeeds in "color revolutions" across the world.

To implement severe punishment on such ugly meddling is a collective hope of all Chinese people, including Hong Kong compatriots, a necessary step to end violence and restore order in Hong Kong, as well as a head-on blow for some Americans who have acted arbitrarily.

Facts prove once again that any attempt against the Chinese, including Hong Kong compatriots, will be countered resolutely.


(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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