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All parties should avoid actions to stimulate tension on Kore

时间:2019-12-12 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
A Chinese UN envoy on Wednesday called on all parties to avoid any words or actions that stimulate the tension on the Korean Peninsula.

UNITED NATIONS, Dec. 11 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese UN envoy on Wednesday called on all parties to avoid any words or actions that stimulate the tension on the Korean Peninsula.

Briefing the media on China's position on the situation on the Korean Peninsula, China's Permanent Representative to the United Nations Zhang Jun said "we should make every effort to avoid further escalation of tensions."

After attending a Security Council open meeting, Zhang told the reporters that the current situation on the Korean Peninsula is "complicated, sensitive, and fragile." "No matter what we do, it should be conducive to reducing tension, to promoting dialogues, and thus prevent from falling back into confrontation."

The Chinese envoy highlighted the importance of promoting a political solution, he said the top priority is to maintain the momentum for a political solution, resume dialogues as soon as possible, and do everything to prevent a dramatic reversal of the situation.

He added the UN Security Council should play a constructive role and speak with one voice in support of a political solution.

Zhang said China will continue to play a constructive role on the solution of the Peninsula issue.

"We always take a responsible and constructive manner to promote US-DPRK dialogues, enhance mutual trust and reduce differences," he said, adding that "we have always been seriously implementing Council resolutions on sanctions."

Meanwhile, sanctions on DPRK should not be used as excuse to pressure or even sanction China, said the Chinese envoy, noting that China is firmly against any unilateral sanctions or "long-arm jurisdiction" imposed on Chinese enterprises and individuals.

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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