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A more open and confident Chinese military on international s

时间:2019-12-16 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
The year 2019, which is coming to an end, is an important year for China's military diplomacy.
Portrait of Zhao Xiaozhuo (by Yang Xin)

The year 2019, which is coming to an end, is an important year for China's military diplomacy. In 2019, the Chinese military approached the world military stage with a more open and confident attitude, and sent a loud voice to the international community in fulfilling its international obligations and demonstrating the undertaking of a major power.

Take the initiative to announce the basic position, viewpoints and connotation of China's defensive national defense policy in the new era.

China released its national defense white paper, called China's National Defense in the New Era, on July 24th, 2019. This is the 10th defense white paper published by the Chinese government since 1998.

In response to the widespread attention at home and abroad brought by the rapid development of the Chinese military, the white paper systematically addressed major issues such as the security situation, national defense policy, military missions, national defense and military reform, national defense expenditures, and international contributions.

The White Paper established a defensive national defense policy system in the new era for the first time and stated that the Chinese military is a staunch force for maintaining world peace. The release of the white paper is of great significance to enhance the international community's understanding of China's national defense policy without fail, eliminate some unnecessary misunderstandings and anxieties, and vigorously refutes and rebuts the fallacies such as "China Threat Theory" and "Chinese Military Threat Theory".

International security forum serves as an important platform for the Chinese military to make its voiceheard.

General Wei Fenghe, Chinese State Councilor and Defense Minister, delivered a speech on the topic of China and International Security Cooperation at the 18th Shangri-La Dialogue held from May 31 to June 2, 2019. Gen. Wei also answered questions from different perspectives by representatives from different countries at the dialogue. This is the first time that Chinese defense minister has attended the Shangri-La Dialogue after eight years. The message conveyed by the speech of the Chinese senior military officer not only allowed countries to have a clearer and more complete understanding of China's national defense policy and security concepts, but also demonstrated the increasingly confident attitude of the Chinese military on the international stage. This is of great significance for the promotion of peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region as well as the whole world. 

If going to Singapore to participate in the Shangri-La Dialogue is an "away game", then hosting the Beijing Xiangshan Forum is a "home game". Over 1,300 guests from China and the world discussed security cooperation around the theme of "Maintaining International Order and Promoting Peace in the Asia-Pacific" at the 9th Beijing Xiangshan Forum from October 20th to 22, 2019. In a congratulatory letter to the forum, Chinese President Xi Jinping pointed out that China is committed to promoting cooperation through dialogue, promoting peace through cooperation, and safeguarding development with peace. The letter sent a clear message to the international community: China has always upheld the banner of peace, development, cooperation, and mutual-benefit. China has always been a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development, and a guardian of the international order.

As a priority direction of diplomacy around China, Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN) is also an important target for military exchanges. The first China-ASEAN Middle-Aged and Young Military Officers Friendly Exchange was held in China from October 21 to 27, 2019.

The 10th China-ASEAN Defense Ministers' Informal Meeting was held in Bangkok, Thailand on November 17, 2019.

At present, China's development has entered a new era and ASEAN's development has entered a new stage. Faced with the unprecedented global changes never seen in a century, China and ASEAN should adapt to the general trend, strengthen cooperation, work together to maintain regional security and stability, and make a positive contribution to the building of a closer China-ASEAN Community of Shared Destiny.

The resounding voice of the Chinese military is also reflected in a series of actions that consistently provide public safety products to the international community for many years.

The "Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA): A Force for World Peace" themed exhibition kicked off in the UN headquarters in New York on February 11st, 2019. From conducting peacekeeping operations to fighting Ebola, from escort missions in the Gulf of Aden to earthquake relief in Nepal...It demonstrates the contribution of the Chinese military to maintaining world peace from different dimensions and at different levels.

Under-Secretary-General for Operational Support of the UN Atul Khare made a speech at the opening ceremony of the exhibition. He spoke highly of China's important role in UN peacekeeping operations and thanked the Chinese armed forces for its "continuous and extensive support" for peacekeeping.

Khare also said that China is a permanent member of the UN Security Council, a major troop-contributing country to peacekeeping operations and the second largest contributor to fund peacekeeping operations. China is the only country that lifts up these three honorable responsibilities on its shoulders.

Looking ahead to the coming year, the Chinese military will, as always, make its voice heard, fulfill its responsibilities, and make more and greater contributions to safeguarding national sovereignty, security and development interests, and maintaining regional and world peace and development.

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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