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New Chinese peacekeeping infantry battalion to S. Sudan start

时间:2019-12-25 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
The 6th Chinese peacekeeping infantry battalion to South Sudan (Juba) had recently gone through a three-day orientation course by the UN, marking that the newly deployed Chinese peacekeepers will be entitled to fully carry out the UN missions.

By Yu Donghai and Chen Kaikai

JUBA, South Sudan, Dec. 23 (ChinaMil) -- The 6th Chinese peacekeeping infantry battalion to South Sudan (Juba) had recently gone through a three-day orientation course by the United Nations (UN), marking that the newly deployed Chinese peacekeepers will be entitled to fully carry out the UN missions.

During the training period, a UN group composed of members from 18 departments including the Political Affairs Department, Law Department, and Mine Action Department of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) delivered professional and systematic lectures for Chinese peacekeepers on 18 subjects including political situation of South Sudan, the establishment structure of the UNMISS, landmine awareness, and civil-military coordination.

"The training was carried out very smoothly. The trainees made adequate preparations for the classes and accurately answered the questions," said a UN training officer after the training.

The training further enhanced the Chinese peacekeepers' understanding of their tasks. Next, they will fully implement functions such as patrols and guards missions in the city.

It is learnt that the Chinese infantry battalion has begun to implement battalion defense and patrol missions in weapons restricted area since its deployment on December 5, and had successfully handled more than 20 emergencies. The battalion had also participated in the "Crisis Management" simulation exercise organized by UNMISS from December 16 to 19 and successfully passed the first inspection on comprehensive defense and emergency response capabilities conducted by the UNMISS.


(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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