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PLA assesses annual military training works in CMC organs

时间:2019-12-27 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
Four departments under China's CMC recently organized three joint supervision panels to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the military training works in CMC organs for the first time.

By Liu Jianwei and Liu Xintu

BEIJING, Dec 27 (ChinaMil) -- Four departments under China’s Central Military Commission (CMC) recently organized three joint supervision panels to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the military training works in CMC organs for the first time.

The task was led by the CMC Training and Administration Department, along with the Joint Staff Department, the Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Agency for Offices Administration. It was the first time for the Chinese military to conduct such supervision and assessments on its administrative organs, which marked the full coverage of training supervision and assessments at all levels in the military.

The panels checked the progress of the CMC administrative organs’ military training works, supervised and urged the CMC administrative organs to take the lead in implementing the deployment requirements of the CMC. They also assessed the training effectiveness, listened to opinions and suggestions for standardizing and improving the training in CMC administrative organs, and jointly explored countermeasures to strengthen these works in return.

The panels kicked off their supervision and assessment by taking briefings, individual interviews, questionnaires, and documents reviews. They mainly focused on three aspects including the planning, implementation and quality evaluation of the military training.

Only combat-ready administrative organs can guide combat-capable troops in the right direction. An expert from the joint supervision panels said that the specialized supervision on military training in the CMC administrative organs serve as distinctive role model , and will definitely lead and drive the actual and in-depth implementation of the combat training of the Chinese military.

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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