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China's peacekeeping helicopters complete missions in troubl

时间:2020-01-02 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
China's third peacekeeping helicopter unit to Darfur, Sudan, successfully completed the VIP transportation task, as the governor of North Darfur State of Sudan landed safely at Al Lait, a major local refugee gathering area, on December 29, local time.

The area framed in red refers to the locality of the temporary landing and takeoff point in Al Lait.

AL FASHIR, SUDAN, Dec. 31 -- China’s third peacekeeping helicopter unit to Darfur, Sudan, successfully completed the VIP transportation task, as the governor of North Darfur State of Sudan landed safely at Al Lait, a major local refugee gathering area, on December 29, local time.

The governor of North Darfur decided to organize a conflict mediation meeting there in order to advance regional peace process. In view of the great security threat, the Sudanese government requested the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) to dispatch helicopters for preliminary reconnaissance.

“Within two days, our helicopter unit successfully completed unfamiliar area reconnaissance and VIP transportation tasks, which further strengthened Chinese peacekeepers’ capability to conduct overseas missions,” said Colonel Chu Zhiqin, commanding officer of the unit. “In the future, we will double Chinese input to help UNAMID promote the peace process in Darfur,” said Chu.

A transport helicopter attached to China’s third peacekeeping helicopter unit to Darfur carries out landing field reconnaissance in Al Lait.

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(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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