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Nine cities sign agreement on civil air defense coordination

时间:2020-01-08 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
Nine cities in South-East China's Pearl River Delta recently signed in Guangzhou the Framework Agreement of Pearl River Delta City Cluster on Coordinated Civil Air Defense Development.

By Tan Li, Cheng Wang and Li Jing

GUANGZHOU, Jan. 7 -- On New Year’s Eve, nine cities in South-East China’s Pearl River Delta, including Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Foshan and Huizhou, signed in Guangzhou the Framework Agreement of Pearl River Delta City Cluster on Coordinated Civil Air Defense Development. The signing officially kicked off the coordinated construction of civil air defense facilities in the Pearl River Delta(PRD) region.

With the development of air assault weapons, it’s possible in future warfare that multiple locations will be attacked at the same time with one of them being the key target. In that case, resources have to be shared in civil air defense efforts in order to form a powerful synergy to protect the people.

Bearing this in mind, the Guangzhou Office of Civil Air Defense actively explored coordinated civil air defense training in the Pearl River Delta city cluster in recent years. It has carried out joint training and cross-region assistance operations with peer units in surrounding areas multiple times on such subjects as establishing communication network, protecting important economic targets and removing air assault consequences. They have obtained the ability to provide mutual assistance once any one party is under air attack.

The signing of the civil air defense agreement is aimed to further intensify cooperation, achieve complementarity of civil air defense systems in the Pearl River Delta more quickly, and jointly build and share relevant resources in the region.


(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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