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Chinese military welcomes 2020 with real combat scenario trai

时间:2020-01-09 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
The Armed Police Force in Southwest China's Yunnan Province conduct anti-terrorism training ahead of the New Year.
The Armed Police Force in Southwest China's Yunnan Province conduct anti-terrorism training ahead of the New Year.

Military forces across China welcomed the new year of 2020 by conducting training for real combat scenarios.

"The 400-meter hurdle race is not among the year-end test?" asked Han Yang, a captain at the Armed Police Force in East China's Jiangsu Province. The course is usually a required test and that officers had to take seven or eight times a year in the past, 81.cn, China's People's Liberation Army's official news website, reported.

He Mengmeng, an officer from the same detachment, explained to him that the 400-meter hurdle race was replaced by armed 100-meter hurdle race. "It is more difficult and more caters to the real combat."

Canceling some easy courses, and adding some more practical courses, is a big change to the recent year-end test, He said.

"Only by improving ourselves through real-combat tests, could we stay longer in the battle field in the future," a senior officer from the detachment said, 81.cn reported.

President Xi Jinping on January 2 signed a mobilization order for the training of the armed forces, the first order of the Central Military Commission (CMC) in 2020, the Xinhua News Agency reported.

Issued by Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the CMC, the order stressed strengthening military training for real combat conditions. It also asked the armed forces to maintain a high level of readiness and step up emergency and combat training.

The order required strengthened joint command in training. It also stressed integrating new forces into the joint operations system.

Force-on-force training should also be strengthened and the evaluation system should be improved, according to the order.

After the order was released, each troop conducted the updated New Year training.

On Tuesday, the PLA garrison in Hong Kong posted a video of the troop's new year training on its official Sina Weibo account. The 1.5-minute video shows the troop's training courses in shooting, flying and other military strategies.

In a coastal region of southeastern China, a brigade under the 73rd group army conducted its first flight training. The troop practiced several military strategies, including sea-skimming flying, reconnoitering on sea and attacking on sea, the People's Daily reported.

A brigade of 83rd group army based in central China marched to a special area to conduct their training. Officers and soldiers from the brigade believe if military preparations for battle are not practical, the troop's combat capability will not be effective.

In Northeast China's Changbai Mountains, officers and soldiers from the Armed Police Force in Jilin Province took a course on shooting and surviving in forests with temperatures of -30° C.

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(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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