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Public lecturing tour on "Outstanding Veterans of the Year 2

时间:2020-01-15 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
The public lecturing tour on the meritorious deeds of Outstanding Veterans of the Year 2019 began with the first lecture held in the People’s Great Hall in Beijing on the afternoon of January 10.
Scene of the lecturing event on the meritorious deeds of Outstanding Veterans of the Year 2019


By Yang Mingyue

BEIJING, Jan.13 -- The public lecturing tour on the meritorious deeds of Outstanding Veterans of the Year 2019, jointly organized by the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, the Ministry of Veterans Affairs and the Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission, began with the first lecturing event held in the People’s Great Hall in Beijing on the afternoon of January 10.

Representing all the nineteen veterans honored with the title of Outstanding Veteran of the Year, Li Shijiang, chairman of DFD Chemical Industry Co. LTD, Li Wenqiang, senior technician with the 404 Co. LTD under China National Nuclear Corporation, Zhang Li, chief designer of simulation under Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology, Ci Jun, who is a road mender working at the Qinghai-Tibet highway in Xizang Autonomous Region, Yin Lijun, chairman of the Labor Union under the Rongcheng City Thermal-electric Gas Group Co., LTD, and Yang Yubin, secretary of the CPC Huaniao Township Committee, Shengsi County of Zhejiang Province, told in turn their own stories in different fields and positions.

The audience who listened to the lecture said that as the outstanding representatives of the vast number of veterans, the nineteen veterans have always been upholding the glorious tradition of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army and staying true to our founding mission. Their contributions deserve to be remembered by society, and their deeds deserve to be widely celebrated.

About 700 people from central and state organs, military units, universities, enterprises in Beijing attended the lecture.

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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