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China, Philippines Coast Guard cooperation helps ties: spokes

时间:2020-01-21 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
Cooperation between the coast guards of China and the Philippines will deepen mutual trust, boost friendship, open new approaches for maritime practical cooperation and inject new impetus into the healthy and stable development of the bilateral ties.

BEIJING, Jan. 15 (Xinhua) -- Cooperation between the coast guards of China and the Philippines will deepen mutual trust, boost friendship, open new approaches for maritime practical cooperation and inject new impetus into the healthy and stable development of the bilateral ties, a Foreign Ministry spokesperson said Wednesday.

According to reports, a vessel of the China Coast Guard (CCG), coded 5204, arrived at the port in Manila Tuesday morning. It is the first time for a CCG ship to pay an official visit to the Philippines.

Spokesperson Geng Shuang told a news briefing that the visiting CCG ship received a warm welcome at the ceremony held at the port. Coast guards from both sides visited each others' ship and had a friendly discussion.

"The CCG ship also donated its grain reserves to evacuees affected by Taal's recent volcanic eruption, expressing the good will and sincerity from the Chinese people," said the spokesperson.

The coast guards from both sides will carry out a series of scheduled tasks, including a joint maritime search and rescue exercise, a fire drill and an open ship day.

The visit is a part of the friendly exchange activities scheduled by the third meeting of the Joint Coast Guard Committee (JCGC) between the CCG and the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), Geng said, adding that the two sides will exchange views on issues of maritime law enforcement and other common concerns during the meeting, and discuss ways to strengthen maritime cooperation in combating transnational crime, anti-narcotics, maritime search and rescue and humanitarian relief efforts.

"This visit signifies a new step of cooperation between the CCG and the PCG, and we also welcome PCG vessels to visit China at a proper time," said Geng.

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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