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Pakistan Stands Firmly with Chinese Brothers Through This Dif

时间:2020-02-05 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
China trusts that Pakistan and the rest of the international community will fully respect the important opinions of the WHO and continue to support China in containing the outbreak.

On 31 January, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi had a phone call with Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi.

Foreign Minister Qureshi first conveyed Prime Minister Imran Khan's best wishes to Premier Li Keqiang. He expressed Pakistan's strong support for China's efforts to contain the novel coronavirus outbreak and Pakistan's readiness to do its best to help China overcome this challenge. Pakistan will be sending a military aircraft carrying assistance supplies to China soon. The people of Pakistan stand by the brotherly Chinese people during this difficult time. While the global community has lauded China's timely and effective response, some elements are trying to create panic, which Pakistan strongly opposes. The government of Pakistan trusts that China is fully capable of ensuring the safety and health of foreign nationals in China and appreciates China taking care of Pakistani nationals in China like its own. Pakistan firmly believes that under the leadership of President Xi Jinping, the Chinese people will win the battle against the outbreak.

State Councilor Wang Yi passed on Premier Li Keqiang's greetings to Prime Minister Khan. He said that under the direct leadership of President Xi Jinping, China has put in place a nationwide mechanism and taken decisive measures to contain and mitigate the outbreak. With all measures falling into place, China has the capacity, confidence and determination to win the final victory. China and Pakistan are close neighbors with a fine tradition of mutual support and assistance. At a time when the Chinese people are facing difficulties, Pakistan is doing its utmost to help, which once again speaks volumes about the deep friendship between the two countries. The Pakistani government does not intend to hastily evacuate the nearly one thousand Pakistani nationals in Wuhan. This is a vote of confidence for the Chinese government. China will continue to ensure the safety and health of Pakistani brothers and sisters and provide them with all necessary assistance.

Wang pointed out that yesterday the WHO commended China's timely and effective measures to control the outbreak, and that the WHO made it clear about its opposition to travel or trade restrictions against China. Yet as you rightly said, some people are bent on creating panic. Just hours after the WHO put forward its professional advice, certain country announced a blanket travel ban against China. Such an act to take advantage of other people's difficulties is the last thing we need in state-to-state relations. China trusts that Pakistan and the rest of the international community will fully respect the important opinions of the WHO and continue to support China in containing the outbreak.

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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