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A tour to Huoshenshan Hospital in Wuhan

时间:2020-02-09 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
The much-anticipated Wuhan Huoshenshan (Fire God Mountain) Hospital was transferred to the Chinese military on February 2, 2020. Reporters recently visited the hospital.
The Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital starts to admit first batch of patients on the morning of February 4, 2020. The photo shows a medic closes the passage after patient admittance. Photo by Fan Xianhai.

WUHAN, Feb. 5. -- The much-anticipated Wuhan Huoshenshan (Fire God Mountain) Hospital was transferred to the Chinese military on February 2, 2020. Reporters recently visited the hospital.

It was still very busy inside the hospital on the morning of February 3. Various vehicles fully loaded with materials traveled in an orderly manner. Construction workers wearing various vests were busy installing equipment. Members of the Military Medical Support Team to Hubei worked with equipment installers to test facilities in each ward.

Seen from the air, Huoshenshan Hospital has a fish-bone layout with clinics in the middle and wards on both sides. The long middle area works as the office area and the passage for medical staff ,which connects nine ward areas on both sides and is within walking distance to any ward.

It is introduced that the Huoshenshan Hospital is specially designed according to the characteristics of the novel coronavirus, which can minimize air and water pollution to avoid cross infection."The separations between water-supply and drainage system, personnel and facilities, as well as doctors and patients, help to stop the spread of the virus infection," said an official.

In the ward areas, each room has a square glass window, which is equipped with double-glazed glass and an UV disinfection system. The meals and medicines for patients will be passed through this transfer window and undergo UV system to avoid cross-infection."It is described as a mask on the ward," the official said.

According to him, the pressure in the ward is lower compared with the outside pressure and each ward is equipped with a ventilation system. Together, they form a negative pressure system to keep the ward air fresh and clean. At the same time, the exhaust air will be discharged into the outside after disinfection.

The Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital admits first batch of patients on the morning of February 4. Photo by Fan Xianhai.

On the morning of February 4, reporters walked into the wards that were about to accommodate patients. Medical staff were making final preparations in the rooms. And the ventilation system, air purifier, transfer window and central oxygen supply systems in every ward were all set ready.

The standardized ward provides a perfect medical environment for patients. How about the inspection equipment? The reporters also toured the Medical Technology Building and the ICU area.

It is learnt that the CT equipment of Huoshenshan Hospital can achieve fast and accurate imaging with ultra-low scan doses. It can scan an average of 300 people per day after being put into use. The two halls in the ICU ward area, each of which covers an area of 500 square meters, are for critically ill patients.

During the tour, workers were seen installing steel plates in the ICU hall. A person in charge said: "The high density of this steel plate can ensure that the air contaminated by bacteria or viruses in the ICU will not leak out."

Informatization is another important feature of the Huoshenshan Hospital. The PLA General Hospital (301 Hospital) and the Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital will build a remote online consultation application system to conduct expert video consultation through a Gigabit fiber network.

Diagnosis and treatment environment in the Huoshenshan Hospital, including standardized wards, advanced diagnosis and treatment equipment, fast information system and remote consultation system will surely provide more guarantee for defeating the epidemic in Wuhan.

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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