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Chinese peacekeepers' combat readiness in Darfur recognized

时间:2020-02-15 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
The 3rd Chinese peacekeeping Medium Utility Helicopter Unit (CMUHU03) to Darfur, Sudan, passed the combat readiness assessment conducted by a UN group on February 8.
Sudanese VIPs take a group photo in front of the Chinese peacekeeping helicopter.

By Yu Hao and Hao Zhaojian

Al-Fashir, Sudan, Feb. 9 -- The 3rd Chinese peacekeeping Medium Utility Helicopter Unit (CMUHU03) to Darfur, Sudan, passed the combat readiness assessment conducted by a UN group on February 8.

The assessment aimed to get a whole picture of the combat readiness building of the United Nations-African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) and the peacekeeping contingents from various countries, and facilitate future decision-making regarding the adjustment of UNAMID forces. Lieutenant General Carlos Humberto Loitey of Uruguay, military adviser for UN Secretary-General (UNSG), expressed his appreciation for China’s peacekeeping contributions.

Led by Lt. Gen. Loitey and UNAMID commander Lt. Gen. Leonard Muriuki Ngondi, the UN assessing team visited several areas and had a comprehensive assessment of the CMUHU03 in four aspects such as flying capability, barracks defense, logistics support and external liaison.

At the base camp at Al-Fashir, the assessing team debriefed the Chinese contingent on its fulfillment of duties, had a temporary test of the barracks defense, and checked general equipment, level-1 hospital, amenities and single-soldier gears on the spot.

Lt. Gen. Loitey, when summarizing the assessment, spoke highly of the performance of the CMUHU03 and affirmed China’s contributions to safeguarding world peace. Lt. Gen. Ngondi also expressed his satisfaction with the capability and task fulfillment of the Chinese contingent.

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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