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Chinese peacekeepers to Mali awarded UN Peace Medals of Honor

时间:2020-02-28 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
All the 413 members of the 7th Chinese peacekeeping force to Mali were awarded the United Nations Peace Medals of Honor on February 25.

By Xing Jianqiao

GAO, MALI, Feb. 26 -- All the 413 members of the 7th Chinese peacekeeping force to Mali were awarded the United Nations Peace Medals of Honor on February 25.

Mr. Mahamat Saleh Annadif, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Mali (SRSG) and Head of MINUSMA, Zhu Liying, Chinese Ambassador to Mali, and Zhu Jingsong, commander of the MINUSMA Sector East, attended the ceremony held at the camp of the guard detachment under the 7th Chinese peacekeeping troops in Gao.

Annadif fully affirmed the efforts made by the Chinese peacekeeping forces in Mali. He said that the Chinese peacekeepers have overcome many difficulties and brought hope to the people in trouble. “They made great contributions to Gao and are the pride of the UN peacekeeping forces,” said Annadif.

In his speech at the ceremony, Ambassador Zhu Liying said that China will continue to fulfill its responsibilities and undertakings as a major power and make efforts and contributions to maintain peace and promote development in Africa within its capability.

The 7th Chinese peacekeeping contingent to Mali consists of a guard detachment, an engineer detachment, and a medical detachment. Since the deployment to the mission area in May 2019, they have performed excellently in missions including security, patrol outside the Super Camp in Gao, engineering support, construction repair and medical support, and have been recognized by both MINUSMA Headquarters and MINUSMA Sector East.

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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