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China promotes development of military food supply system

时间:2020-03-14 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
To supply high-quality food products to military, the CMC Logistic Support Department has recently promoted innovations on military food supply system jointly with the country's Ministry of Finance and National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration.
(File Photo)

By Sun Xingwei and Yang Renwei:

BEIJNG, Mar. 10 -- To supply high-quality food products to military, the Logistic Support Department under China's Central Military Commission (CMC) has recently promoted innovations on military food supply system jointly with the country’s Ministry of Finance and National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration.

China's current military food supply system is a state-led system under the socialist market economy. Local governments at various levels are responsible for the supply of military food products on the military’s demands. Over the years, such a system has guaranteed the smooth, safe and reliable supply of food products in supporting routine military training, combat readiness exercises and implementation of major missions.

In recent years, to better serve the troops and prepare for the war, the PLA Logistic Support Department, along with relevant national departments, have continuously promoted the development of the supply mechanism to enhance the products quality and the system efficiency.

For instance, the related departments have adjusted and optimized existing supply stations according to the deployment of armed forces across China. They set up new stations in some regions to ensure stable food reserve stocks for some strategic combat directions. The edible vegetable oil and soybeans, which used to be purchased by local troops in a decentralized way, have now been included in the unified military procurement system. Also, the supply standard has been raised with such indicators as freshness incorporated into product quality assessment for military rations.

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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