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Xi calls for building community of common health for mankind

时间:2020-03-23 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
Chinese President Xi Jinping said China stands ready to work with France to boost international cooperation in epidemic prevention and control and build a community of common health for mankind.

Xi said the Chinese government and people firmly support France's efforts against the COVID-19 epidemic, and stand ready to boost cooperation with France and jointly win the battle through mutual support and help.

BEIJING, March 21 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping said China stands ready to work with France to boost international cooperation in epidemic prevention and control and build a community of common health for mankind.

Xi made the remarks in a recent message to French President Emmanuel Macron, in which he extended sincere sympathies on behalf of the Chinese government and people to their French counterparts over the COVID-19 outbreak in the European country.

China and France have a fine tradition of helping each other and sharing weal and woe in bilateral relations, said Xi, who thanked the French government and society for their support of and sympathies with China's all-out battle against the novel coronavirus disease.

Pointing out that public health security is a common challenge faced by humanity, he said the Chinese government and people firmly support France's efforts against the COVID-19 epidemic, and stand ready to boost cooperation with France and jointly win the battle through mutual support and help.

Both as permenant members of the UN Security Council, China and France share the important responsibility of safeguarding the lives and health of the entire human race, Xi stressed.

China, he added, is willing to make concerted efforts with France to enhance international cooperation in epidemic prevention and control, support the United Nations and the World Health Organization playing a core role in improving global public health governance, and build a community of common health for mankind.

Xi stressed that he attaches great importance to the development of China-France relations, and stands ready to work with Macron to properly coordinate all aspects of work related to epidemic control and bilateral relations, so as to ensure that the China-France comprehensive strategic partnership will ride out the COVID-19 test and continue to move forward.

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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