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Chinese peacekeeping force completes armed escort mission in

时间:2020-03-26 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
The 6th Chinese peacekeeping infantry battalion to South Sudan (Juba) has successfully completed the armed escort mission for UN convoy from Juba to Ganji on March 21, local time.
File photo: Local children wave to Chinese peacekeeping officers and soldiers during escort mission. (eng.chinamil.com.cn/Jiao Xiaochen)

By Li Xin

JUBA, South Sudan, Mar. 24 -- The 6th Chinese peacekeeping infantry battalion to South Sudan (Juba) has successfully completed the armed escort mission for UN convoy from Juba to Ganji on March 21, local time. The mission covered a total of 260 kilometers. The infantry battalion dispatched nearly 40 troops and more than 10 vehicles of various types.

Ahead of the mission, the Chinese peacekeepers analyzed the security environment along the mission route and took rehearsals on possible situations. During the mission, the Chinese peacekeepers passed a total of more than 10 dangerous points and over 90 kilometers of difficult roads.

It is learnt that the Juba-Ganji line is an important material supply route under very complicated security situations in South Sudan. Despite this, the 6th Chinese peacekeeping infantry battalion to South Sudan (Juba) has successfully completed seven UN armed escort missions since their deployment to the mission area four months ago.

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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