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Chinese peacekeeping engineers to DRC complete road repair mi

时间:2020-03-28 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
The task of repairing the Carniola Road was assigned to Chinese peacekeeping engineers in November last year. After nearly five months of hard work, the Chinese peacekeepers overcame numerous difficulties and completed the repair task.
Students from local school help Chinese peacekeeping engineers repair the Carniola Road 


By Wang Xi and Hu Bin

BUKAVU, DRC, Mar. 26 -- The Carniola Road repaired by the Walungu detachment of the 23rd Chinese peacekeeping engineer contingent to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) successfully passed the acceptance inspection by the engineering department of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) on the morning of March 24, local time.

The task of repairing the Carniola Road was assigned to Chinese peacekeeping engineers in November last year. After nearly five months of hard work, the Chinese peacekeepers overcame numerous difficulties and completed the repair task.

"The road has been well repaired and vehicles can now pass smoothly. We are very grateful for everything the Chinese peacekeeping engineers have done," said the chief executive officer of the Walungu region, who spoke highly of the Chinese peacekeepers after the mission was completed.

The Carniola Road is a traffic artery connecting Bukavu in the South Kivu province and cities in the northwest. The road lacked maintenance for a long time. Besides, the natural environment in the Walungu mission area is harsh, and the security situation is severe, which has posed great challenges to the construction mission.

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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