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Russia sends military aircraft to transport China-donated sup

时间:2020-03-28 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
Antonov An-124 Ruslan, a Ruslan heavyweight airlifter attached to the Russian military, landed at China's Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport on the evening of March 24 to transport medical supplies donated by China to Russia.
Antonov An-124 Ruslan, a Ruslan heavyweight airlifter attached to the Russian military, landed at China’s Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport on the evening of March 24 to transport medical supplies donated by China to Russia.(Photo: Haiwainet.cn)

By Zhang Qi

Antonov An-124 Ruslan, a Ruslan heavyweight airlifter attached to the Russian military, landed at China’s Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport on the evening of March 24 to transport medical supplies donated by China to Russia. The poetic lines printed on the packages of the donation are words of famous Russian poet Alexander Pushkin: "In a moment, passes sorrow".

The poetic lines printed on the packages of the donation are words of famous Russian poet Alexander Pushkin: "In a moment, passes sorrow".(Photo: Haiwainet.cn)

The Russian Sputnik News reported on March 25 that the medical supplies are donated by China’s Alibaba Foundation and Jack Ma Foundation to help Russia fight the COVID-19. The military cargo charter flight has arrived in Moscow with the medical supplies including medical masks, COVID-19 detection reagents and protective gears.

Just two days ago, Russia sent another An-124 aircraft to transport 25.5 million medical masks from China and the military cargo transport aircraft had arrived at the Chkalovsky Airport, Moscow Oblast, on the same day. Russian media reported that the masks will be distributed to the elderly and some government agencies through Russian volunteer organizations.

Some Chinese netizens said that the verse "In a moment, passes sorrow" struck a chord in their hearts, because they believe, “we are sure to pull through the coronavirus epidemic as long as everyone works hard together.

Quoting the latest data, Sputnik News reported that there are 658 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Russia, increasing by 163 on a daily basis, and 29 people are cured as of March 25.

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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