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Chinese, Pakistani military health officials, experts discuss COVID-19 response via teleconference

时间:2020-04-08 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
Health officials and experts from the Chinese military shared their experience in fighting the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) with their Pakistani peers via a video conference on Monday.

Health officials and experts from the Chinese military hold a video conference to share the experience in fighting COVID-19 with their Pakistani peers on April 6. 

BEIJING, April 7 (Xinhua) -- Health officials and experts from the Chinese military shared their experience in fighting the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) with their Pakistani peers via a video conference on Monday.

Attended by some 20 health officials and experts in Beijing, Wuhan and Rawalpindi, the teleconference started with the Chinese side's introduction on China's general situation and experience in COVID-19 response, as well as testing and treatment of the disease.

The two sides exchanged views on emergency coordination, epidemic response, testing and clinical treatment, and discussed treatment of severe cases and nosocomial infection control with detailed cases.

Speaking highly of the Chinese military's efforts in COVID-19 prevention response, the Pakistani side thanked China for sharing its experience timely.

It's the first time that the Chinese military has organized a teleconference with its foreign counterpart sharing its experience in fighting COVID-19, and it will further step up international cooperation to guard global health security.

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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