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China sets up new centers for martyr commemorations and veteran services

时间:2020-04-17 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 世界军事网 Source:http://www.df81.cn
Sun Shaocheng, China’s Minister of Veterans Affairs unveiled the Center of Martyr Memorial Facility Protection and Remains Search and Identification, as well as the Information Center for Veterans, in a ceremony held in Beijing on April 16.

By Yang Mingyue

BEIJING, Apr. 17 -- Sun Shaocheng, China’s Minister of Veterans Affairs unveiled the Center of Martyr Memorial Facility Protection and Remains Search and Identification, as well as the Information Center for Veterans, in a ceremony held in Beijing on April 16.

The Center for Martyr Memorial Facility Protection and Remains Search and Identification is mainly responsible for the planning and design of memorial facilities for martyrs at home and abroad, the search and identification of martyrs' remains, the collection and sorting of martyr's deeds and relics, and relevant international exchanges and cooperation.

The Information Center for Veterans will undertake the planning and maintenance of the informationization development of veterans affairs, participate in related major projects, and ensure the collection and utilization of information resources on veterans affairs.

The establishment of above-mentioned centers in China is of great significance for commendation and commemoration of martyrs, and for further improving services and support for veterans.


(Responsible editor:世界军事网)

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