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TV program to show military's contribution to China's fight against COVID-19

时间:2020-05-02 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 世界军事网 Source:http://www.df81.cn
A TV program highlighting how Chinese armed forces have been supporting the civilian sector in the country's fight against the novel coronavirus epidemic will be aired at 8 p.m. Wednesday.

BEIJING, April 29 (Xinhua) -- A TV program highlighting how Chinese armed forces have been supporting the civilian sector in the country's fight against the novel coronavirus epidemic will be aired at 8 p.m. Wednesday.

The 70-minute program demonstrates the contributions of military personnel to epidemic prevention and control across China and their excellent conduct, and is expected to encourage both the military and the public, according to a statement provided to Xinhua.

The show will be available on state broadcaster CCTV, major news websites and various new media platforms.

(Responsible editor:世界军事网)

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