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National lawmakers, political advisors from HK support national security legislation

时间:2020-05-25 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
Members of the national legislature and top political advisory body from Hong Kong have voiced support for a draft decision on national security legislation for the special administrative region (SAR).

BEIJING, May 23 (Xinhua) -- Members of the national legislature and top political advisory body from Hong Kong have voiced support for a draft decision on national security legislation for the special administrative region (SAR).

The draft decision on establishing and improving the legal system and enforcement mechanisms for Hong Kong SAR to safeguard national security was submitted Friday to the National People's Congress (NPC) for deliberation.

"Safeguarding national security is a responsibility that rests with each of us," said Tam Yiu-chung, a member of the NPC Standing Committee.

Noting that national security concerns the immediate interests of Hong Kong residents, Tam said Hong Kong people could not live and work in peace and contentment unless national security was effectively safeguarded.

Wong Yuk-Shan, an NPC deputy and president of the Open University of Hong Kong, said the opposition in Hong Kong and external forces, taking advantage of some local young people's insufficient understanding of the nation, have deceived them into actions that seriously threaten the security of Hong Kong and the nation.

Wong expressed the hope that related legislation can alert these young people in Hong Kong so that they will not be manipulated by others anymore.

Ho Tsu-kwok, chairman of the Sing Tao News Corporation Limited, said China has every right and necessity to improve laws safeguarding national security within its territory.

The hysterical objection by the opposition in Hong Kong and external forces to the national security legislation has laid bare their dark political schemes, said Ho, a member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee.

Choi Koon-shum, chairman of the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce of Hong Kong, said national security legislation -- which targets acts endangering national security -- will not affect operations of Hong Kong businesses and foreign-invested businesses there. The legitimate rights and freedoms of Hong Kong residents will not be affected either, Choi added.

Choi, also a member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee, said it is a common practice for countries to have national security legislation.

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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