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Highlights of China's decision on Hong Kong national security legislation

时间:2020-05-29 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
China's national legislature, the National People's Congress (NPC), on Thursday adopted a decision on Hong Kong national security legislation.

BEIJING, May 28 (Xinhua) -- China's national legislature, the National People's Congress (NPC), on Thursday adopted a decision on Hong Kong national security legislation.

The following are the highlights of the NPC decision on establishing and improving the legal system and enforcement mechanisms for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) to safeguard national security.

-- The country unswervingly, fully and faithfully implements the principles of "one country, two systems," "the people of Hong Kong governing Hong Kong," and a high degree of autonomy; takes necessary measures to establish and improve the legal system and enforcement mechanisms for the HKSAR to safeguard national security, as well as prevent, stop and punish acts and activities endangering national security in accordance with the law.

-- The country resolutely opposes the interference in the HKSAR affairs by any foreign or external forces in any form and will take necessary countermeasures.

-- It is the HKSAR's constitutional duty to safeguard national sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity. The HKSAR must complete the national security legislation stipulated in the Basic Law of the HKSAR at an earlier date and HKSAR's administrative, legislative and judicial organs must, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, effectively prevent, stop and punish acts and activities endangering national security.

-- The HKSAR must establish and improve the institutions and enforcement mechanisms for safeguarding national security. When needed, relevant national security organs of the Central People's Government will set up agencies in the HKSAR to fulfill relevant duties to safeguard national security in accordance with the law.

-- The HKSAR chief executive must regularly report to the Central People's Government on the HKSAR's performance of the duty to safeguard national security, carry out national security education and forbid acts and activities of endangering national security in accordance with the law.

-- The NPC Standing Committee is entrusted to formulate relevant laws on establishing and improving the legal system and enforcement mechanisms for the HKSAR to safeguard national security, in order to effectively prevent, stop and punish acts and activities to split the country, subvert state power, organize and carry out terrorist activities and other behaviors that seriously endanger national security, as well as activities of foreign and external forces to interfere in the affairs of the HKSAR. The NPC Standing Committee decides on including relevant laws into Annex III of the Basic Law of the HKSAR to be promulgated and implemented by the HKSAR locally.

-- The decision goes into effect as of the date of promulgation.

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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