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China boosts smart and precise management of service member support card system

时间:2020-06-06 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
Ever since the application of the support card in 2010, its data base has served as the fundamental references for logistic supply support departments, providing an digitalized channel for smart logistics support and bringing great convenience to both the service members and the logistics department

BEIJING, June 2 -- According to the Logistic Support Department of China's Central Military Commission (CMC), the service member support card management office had recently signed a memo with units under the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to obtain precise data when issuing support cards for military spouses. This move is a big push for the precise and digitalized management of the service member support card system.

Ever since the application of the support card in 2010, its data base has served as the fundamental references for logistic supply support departments, providing an digitalized channel for smart logistics support and bringing great convenience to both the service members and the logistics departments at all levels. 

In recent years, the support card management office has adopted a series of measures to strengthen comprehensive and precise data acquisition, as well as service and support mechanism upgrading. For example, to enhance the support capabilities, the CMC Logistic Support Department has developed a battlefield-oriented identification plate that integrates the functions of the service member support card, medtag, identification card, and others. The plate could serve as an important reference in personnel search, logistics support and remains recognition in wartime.

According to the management office, advanced technologies such as master data management, face recognition, and artificial intelligence photo processing will also be introduced in the next step, to promote further data standardization and centralized management.

Besides, a series of measures will also be taken, including shortening the card production cycle by streamlining data reporting procedures, strengthening security and confidentiality of the system, expanding the range of data sharing and information service, and pushing forward the integration of functional systems, so as to make the application more convenient, to provide stronger support for military training and war preparedness, and to offer better work and life experience for service members.

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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