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PLA Xizang Military Command launches "High above Snow 2020" Competition

时间:2020-06-06 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
A total of 414 elites from the grassroots troops participated in the High above Snow 2020 competition held by the PLA Xizang Military Command, a move aiming to constantly push forward the actual combat training.

LHASA, June 4 -- A total of 414 elites from the grassroots troops participated in the "High above Snow 2020" competition held by the PLA Xizang Military Command, a move aiming to constantly push forward the actual combat training.

The opening ceremony of the "High Above Snow 2020" competition is held in the PLA Xizang Military Command.

During the competition, a total of 13 basic training subjects are carried out simultaneously, including shooting, chin-ups, parallel bar dips, 3-km run, 5-km armed cross-country race, 400-meter obstacle race, grenade throwing, pistol shooting, automatic rifle precision shooting, etc.

The soldier leaps over a single-plank bridge in the 400-meter obstacle race.
Participants run through a section of the gravel-filled road shortly after the 5-km armed cross-country race gets started in the rain.
The soldier motivates himself to keep going during the 5-km armed cross-country race.
Two soldiers speed up to breast the tape in the 5-km armed cross-country race.
On the shooting range, the participants prepare to shoot.
For the 3-km light-weight running race, Wang Weipeng is the first one to breast the tape.

To actively create a good atmosphere of admiring training and victory, the PLA Xizang Military Command has innovated training methods and talent training models, striving to lay a solid foundation for future warfare, and paying more attention to overall training. Competitions and contests have become a norm for all the military personnel therein, and the enthusiasm for military training among the grass roots is thereby fully stimulated.

In this competition, the participating officers and soldiers strive for a decisive victory under the background of an integration of multiple subjects and actual combat, which aims to cultivate the elites into the seeds, through the leading role of whom the majority of officers and soldiers will be inspired to move closer to battle and try to dock with the battlefield in their daily training, thereby driving overall improvement.

(Text by Huang Pengyu and Wang Weiwei; Photo by Pu Jin, Lu Jian, and Guo Dongdong)

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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