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China showcases SAR-equipped BZK-005 UAV in military led firefighting operation

时间:2020-06-09 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
China's People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Central Theatre Command has released images of an in-service BZK-005 medium-altitude long endurance (MALE) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)

23 MARCH 2020
China's People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Central Theatre Command has released images of an in-service BZK-005 medium-altitude long endurance (MALE) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that has been specifically configured for wide-area intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) missions, offering what appears to be the first glimpse of this specific variant to the international public.
中国人民解放军中部战区司令部发布了一架专门为广域情报,监视和侦察(ISR)任务配置的在役BZK-005中空长航时(MALE)无人机(UAV)的图像 ,这似乎是国际公众首次看到的这种特定改型。

The Central Theatre Command announced on 23 March that a BZK-005 UAV, operated by an undisclosed PLA Air Force (PLAAF) reconnaissance UAV battalion, was dispatched at 1000 h local time to provide airborne real-time intelligence to support joint civil-military firefighting operations – led by the command’s 83rd Army Group – in the landlocked northwestern province of Shaanxi on 18 March.

It added that imagery and data captured by the air vehicle’s ISR payloads, comprising a ventral electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR) turret and an undernose synthetic aperture radar (SAR) pod, enabled army planners to pinpoint hotspots obscured by the blanket of thick smoke in the afflicted area and direct troops to construct a 4 km long, 50 m wide firebreak to contain the blaze.
它补充说,飞行器的ISR有效载荷捕获的图像和数据,包括腹侧光电/红外(EO / IR)转塔和机鼻下合成孔径雷达(SAR)吊舱,使陆军规划人员能够精确定位受灾地区被浓烟遮蔽的热点,并指挥部队建造一个长4公里、宽50米的用防火带来控制火势。

An image of the PLAAF BZK-005 clearly showed the air vehicle in its wide-area ISR configuration – a marked departure from past imagery that only showed the type equipped with only an undernose EO/IR turret – which houses an indigenous SAR system believed to be developed by the Institute of Electronics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (IECAS).

Industry sources told Jane’s that IECAS has been engaged in domestic SAR technology research and development (R&D) since the early 2000s and has successfully commercialised the D3000 family of multifunction UAV SAR payloads.
(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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