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Electronic Weapons: Chinese Hummers Listen

时间:2020-06-09 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
Chinese hummer-like vehicles are popular with Chinese and foreign special operations troops but are only occasionally used for special military tasks, like these electronic monitoring vehicles.

June 4, 2020: Recent photos of Chinese units out on training exercises showed something new, several Dongfeng Mengshi (Hummer variant) 6x6 vehicles with box-like structure on the cargo bed that apparently contain electronic equipment and two 10 meter (32 foot) telescoping masts that, when extended display a number of electronic monitoring devices. The configuration of the sensors indicate communications or radar signal monitoring and location finding. The vehicles were accompanying a combat brigade so it seems likely this was a test of this signal monitoring and location finding for Chinese troops in a combat situation.

Chinese hummer-like vehicles are popular with Chinese and foreign special operations troops but are only occasionally used for special military tasks, like these electronic monitoring vehicles. These 6x6 trucks weigh six tons and can carry about 1.2 tons of cargo. The telescoping masts weigh about 100 kg (220 pounds) each and carry about as much at the top of the mast. There’s room in the box-like cargo compartment for at least one operator plus additional electronics. These 6x6 vehicles can generate enough electricity while stationary to power the electronics.
中国悍马式车辆在中外特种作战部队中很受欢迎,但像电子监控车辆,仅偶尔用于特殊军事任务。这些6x6卡车重6吨,可运载约1.2吨货物。 伸缩式桅杆每个重约100千克(220磅),并且在桅杆顶部承载的重量大致相同。箱现货舱中有足够的空间供至少一名操作员和其他电子设备。这些6x6的车辆在停驻时可以产生足够的电能,为电子设备供电。

Telescoping masts have been around since before World War II, mainly for obtaining longer range radio communications. During World War II some mobile military headquarters uses the telescoping masts to maintain communications with distant sub-units. These mast vehicles could also be used as radio relay links or for intelligence work like radio direction finding to locate enemy units that were using radio communications. These uses of telescoping masts continued after World War II but in the 1990s the availability of powerful and sturdy digital video cameras enabled another use. Canada for example, developed a recon (Coyote RVSS) version of its 17 ton LAV II 8x8 wheeled armored vehicle in the late 1990s that used the telescoping mast for video surveillance. These were used in Afghanistan since 2002 and proved enormously useful by doing long range surveillance for Taliban and al Qaeda gunmen. The Coyote reconnaissance system was mounted on a wheeled armored vehicle. The recon gear consists of a nine meter (30 foot) telescoping mast that contains a Doppler radar, laser rangefinder, thermal imaging sensor, and video camera. The mast mounted sensors can see clearly out to 15 kilometers and identify targets (day or night) for artillery or air attack. The radar can spot targets out to 24 kilometers but can only distinguish vehicle types (wheeled, tracked) beginning at about 12 kilometers. Other nations used similar systems.
自第二次世界大战之前开始,伸缩桅杆就出现了,主要是为了获得更远距离的无线电通信。在第二次世界大战期间,一些机动军事总部使用伸缩式桅杆与远处的子单位保持通信。这些桅杆车辆还可以用作无线电中继链路或用于情报工作,例如无线电定向,以定位使用无线电通信的敌方部队。伸缩式桅杆的这些运用在第二次世界大战后仍在继续,但是在1990年代,功能强大且坚固的数码摄像机的出现使另一种用途得以实现。例如,加拿大在1990年代后期开发了侦察(土狼(Coyote) RVSS)型号的17吨LAV II 8x8轮式装甲车,该车使用伸缩式桅杆进行视频监控。自2002年以来,这些装置就已在阿富汗使用,并且通过对塔利班和基地组织的枪手进行远程监视而被证明具有极大的帮助。土狼侦察系统安装在轮式装甲车上。侦察装置由一个九米(30英尺)的伸缩桅杆组成,该桅杆包含多普勒雷达,激光测距仪,热成像传感器和视频摄像机。安装在桅杆上的传感器可以清楚地看到15公里远的距离,并识别炮兵或空袭的目标(昼或夜)。雷达可以发现目标的最大距离为24公里,但只能大约12公里开始区别车辆类型(轮式,履带式)。其他国家使用了类似的系统。

The Chinese found they could put such a telescoping EW (Electronic Warfare) system on an even smaller vehicle and choose one of few locally produced hummer type vehicles that the Chinese military uses. The Chinese armed forces did not buying a lot of these vehicles perhaps a few thousand or so a year at most. Civilian versions became popular with Chinese consumers and export customers. The most popular of these hummer clones comes from Dongfeng, which initially produced some hummers under license. Dongfeng has since produced a number of hummer variants, including armored models equipped to handle RWS (remote weapons systems). These were nicknamed Mengshi (“east wind warrior). The latest of these, the CSK-181 is an eight ton armored hummer design similar to the new American JLTV. One characteristic of the Chinese hummers is the built-in night vision cameras (one in front and one in the back with a flat-screen display for the driver to use) and satellite navigation system. A lighter, unarmored, hummer version of the CSK-181 was used for this new EW vehicle.

China openly copies a lot of foreign military equipment designs, often in many variations because multiple manufacturers get involved. The Chinese military thought the American hummer (HMMWV) was a useful design but did not adopt it widely. Instead Chinese troops use a legal version (because of a joint manufacturing deal) of the Jeep Cherokee, but a bit larger. This BJ2022 vehicle comes in two versions, with one being a bit longer and serving as something similar to the old American ¾ ton truck. Most of the BJ2022 are basically much updated World War II American jeep designs that borrow much from SUV and four-wheel drive innovations. The basic version can carry a payload of 500 kg (half ton) and seats four. The longer version carries 750 kg and seats up to eight. These are four-wheel drive vehicles have manual transmissions and are mainly used on roads or flat terrain. For jobs requiring slightly larger tactical vehicles with more carrying capacity the Dongfeng hummer variants are preferred.
(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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