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Beijing provides financial preferential services for military personnel

时间:2020-06-09 ReadingNumber:东方军事网 鼎盛军事论坛 Source:http://www.df81.cn
Beijing Municipal Bureau of Veterans Affairs signed a cooperation agreement with ten branches of banks in Beijing, as well as three municipal banks, to provide preferential services for active-duty military personnel and retired veterans.

By Huang Jianfeng and Zhou Jiawang

BEIJING, June 7 -- Beijing Municipal Bureau of Veterans Affairs signed a cooperation agreement with ten branches of banks in Beijing, as well as three municipal banks, to provide preferential services for active-duty military personnel and retired veterans. Up to now, 13 banks have launched more than 100 preferential service programs and issued more than 30,000 bank cards exclusively for veterans.

An official with Beijing Municipal Bureau of Veterans Affairs introduced that these13 banks have launched a list of various preferential financial services, covering more than 100 special preferential programs, such as offering exclusive services for military members and veterans, providing concessional financial products, free medical care service, insurance services, etc. The beneficiaries can make choices based on their own needs. Besides, those banks have also made exclusive job offers to the family members of military personnel stationed in Beijing.

The official said that in the future, Beijing will take advantage of the capital's financial resources to create efficient and comprehensive financial services both online and offline, and further promote the supporting and preferential services in more fields, so as to achieve the goal of “making being a serviceman a respected profession in our country” in the whole society.

(Responsible editor:鼎盛军事论坛)

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